
Pinehurst Winter Flash Sale Begins!

The Pinehurst Winter Flash Sale started Today - the 4th of June 2010 - at 11am from the Môreson Tasting Room.

  • Pinehurst/Pinecrest 
red wines are only R25 per bottle!
  • Pinehurst/Pinecrest white wines are only R20 per bottle!

Students and pensioners - on presentation
of a valid student or pensioner card - get 
10% off per bottle.

Things worth bearing in mind:

  1. Sale only applies to Pinehurst/Pinecrest sold
 directly from the Môreson Tasting Room.
  2. Sale lasts as long as stocks last.
  3. First come first serve.
  4. No delivery. This means you can't call in / email in  your order. You need to physically visit the Môreson Tasting Room. If, however, you'd like to ship the wine you purchase directly from the Môreson Tasting Room we can help you.
  5. No credit.
  6. Terms and conditions apply.
